Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Great is the Lord!

In the quiet moments, beauty and joy arise,
For God’s presence fills our lives, a wondrous prize.
A refuge strong, a shelter in the storm,
In His embrace, we find our true form.

With faith, we seek His strength and might,
In every shadow, He brings forth light.
No fear can bind us, no challenge too great,
For God is our refuge, our steadfast fate.

His mighty presence, we honor and revere,
In His protection, we have no fear.
From every trial, He delivers with grace,
In His love, we find our place.

So let us live with confidence, hearts full of song,
For with God as our refuge, we are strong.
In His strength, we stand, unwavering and true,
God’s presence brings beauty and joy anew.


Great is the Lord and wholly to be praised in the city of our God. (Psalm 48:2)

God’s presence brings beauty and joy to our lives. Knowing that God is our refuge encourages us to seek His protection and strength in our own lives. 

We should recognize and respect God’s mighty presence in our lives.  With God on our side, we need not fear any challenge. God protects us and deliver us from any situation. 

Let us live with confidence, knowing that God is our refuge and strength.

Prayer for God’s Presence and Strength

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging the beauty and joy Your presence brings into our lives. We are comforted knowing that You are our refuge, our protector, and our strength.

Lord, help us to seek Your protection and strength in every aspect of our lives. May we always recognize and respect Your mighty presence, understanding that with You by our side, we need not fear any challenge.

We trust in Your divine protection and deliverance from every situation we face. Fill us with confidence and courage, knowing that You are our refuge and strength.

Thank You, Lord, for Your unwavering love and guidance. May we live each day with the assurance that You are with us, now and forever.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


The Second Book of Psalms 42-72
Psalm 48:1-15

Responsorial Psalm | Psalm 48:2-3, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8

R: God upholds his city forever. 

2 Great is the Lord and wholly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain, 3 fairest of heights, is the joy of all the earth. (R) Mount Zion, “the recesses of the North,” is the city of the great King. 4 God is with her castles; renowned is he as a stronghold. (R) 5 For lo! the kings assemble, they come on together; 6 they also see, and at once are stunned, terrified, routed. (R) 7 Quaking seizes them there; anguish like a woman’s in labor, 8 as though a wind from the east were shattering ships of Tarshish. 


Psalm 48 is a song of praise attributed to the sons of Korah, who were Levites involved in temple worship. This psalm celebrates the greatness of God and the beauty of Jerusalem, often referred to as Zion, the city of the Great King.

Verses 2-3 These verses describe the splendor of Mount Zion, highlighting its beauty and significance: Mount Zion is depicted as “beautiful in elevation” and “the joy of the whole earth.” It is called “the city of the great King,” emphasizing God’s presence and reign. God is known as a refuge within its palaces, symbolizing His protection and strength.

Verses 3-4 These verses continue to emphasize God’s protection over Jerusalem: The kings of the earth are depicted as assembling together, but they are struck with awe and fear upon seeing the city. This reaction underscores the divine protection and the formidable presence of God in Jerusalem.

Verses 5-6 These verses describe the reaction of the kings: They are astounded and panic, fleeing in terror. The imagery of trembling and anguish, like that of a woman in labor, conveys the overwhelming fear and helplessness of the enemies.

Verses 7-8 These verses highlight God’s power and the enduring nature of His city: The east wind shattering the ships of Tarshish symbolizes God’s ability to destroy powerful enemies. The psalm concludes with a declaration of faith, affirming that as they have heard of God’s deeds, they have also seen them in the city of the Lord, which God will establish forever.

This psalm serves as a reminder of God’s greatness, His protection over His people, and the enduring significance of Jerusalem as a symbol of His presence and power.

Learning Lessons:

Psalm 48:2-8 offers several profound lessons that can resonate deeply with our faith and values:

Verses 2-3 Lesson: God’s Presence Brings Joy and Security. Mount Zion’s Beauty: The description of Mount Zion as “beautiful in elevation” and “the joy of the whole earth” reminds us that God’s presence brings beauty and joy to our lives. God as a Refuge: Knowing that God is a refuge within the palaces of Zion encourages us to seek His protection and strength in our own lives.

Verses 3-4 Lesson: God’s Power is Awe-Inspiring. Kings in Awe: The reaction of the kings who assemble and then tremble in fear upon seeing Jerusalem highlights the awe-inspiring power of God. It teaches us to recognize and respect God’s mighty presence in our lives.

Verses 5-6 Lesson: God’s Protection Overcomes Fear. Enemies’ Panic: The panic and trembling of the kings symbolize how God’s protection can cause our fears and adversaries to flee. It reassures us that with God on our side, we need not fear any challenge.

Verses 7-8 Lesson: God’s Enduring Power and Faithfulness. Shattering the Ships of Tarshish: This imagery shows God’s ability to overcome even the most formidable forces. It reminds us of His power to protect and deliver us from any situation. Faith in God’s Deeds: The affirmation that God’s deeds are seen and heard reinforces our faith in His enduring presence and faithfulness. It encourages us to trust in God’s eternal promises.

Personal Reflection

These verses collectively teach us about the beauty of God’s presence, the awe-inspiring nature of His power, the assurance of His protection, and the enduring faithfulness of His promises. They encourage us to live with confidence, knowing that God is our refuge and strength.

Reflection Source:
Conversation with Copilot

Great is the Lord!

In the quiet moments, beauty and joy arise, For God’s presence fills our lives, a wondrous prize. A refuge strong, a shelter in the storm, I...